- 3 Phase Induction Motor
- About HTML 5 & New Features
- Advanced SQL
- Algorithms and Flowcharts
- Alternator
- Applications of Electric Machines
- Applied Physics
- Authorization in SQL
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Basic Structure of HTML
- BEEE Important Questions
- C Programming Language
- Change Password
- Change Password
- Circular Linked List
- Communication in Client-Server Systems
- Comparing Arrays & Linked Lists
- Computer Fundamentals
- Computer Networks
- Computing environments
- Control Flow in C
- Conventional Software Management
- Counting
- Courses
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Data Mining and Information Retrieval
- Data Storage and Querying in DBMS
- Data Structures
- Database Design
- Database Schema
- Database users and Administrators
- DBMS Architecture
- DC Generator
- DC Motor
- Deep Learning
- Difference between HTML and XML
- Doubly Linked List
- Edit Profile
- Electrical Circuit Elements (R, L and C)
- Engineering Drawing
- Evolution of Software Economics
- Expressions in C
- Factoring Methods in C
- Forgot Password
- Formal relational query languages
- Functions in C
- Fundamental algorithms
- Generation of the Fibonacci Sequence
- Guest
- HTML Block, Inline and Meta Tags
- HTML5 Introduction
- Human Learning and Types
- Improving Automation Through Software Environments
- Improving Software Process
- Improving Team Effectiveness
- Input and Output in C
- Installing Redhat Linux on Virtual Box
- Introduction of DBMS
- Introduction to computer problem solving
- Introduction to Programming
- Introduction to SQL
- Linux
- Login
- Machine Learning
- Moving Iron Instrument
- Multithreaded Programming
- Ohm’s Law and its Limitations
- Open-Source Operating Systems
- Operating System
- Operating System Services
- Operators in C
- Password Reset
- Peer Inspections: A Pragmatic View
- Permanent Magnet Moving Coil PMMC
- Pragmatic Software Cost Estimation
- Previous Papers
- Process Concept in OS
- Program Structure in c
- Reducing Software Product Size
- Register
- Registration
- Relational Model
- Relational Operations
- Relational Query Languages
- Results
- Reversing the Digits of an Integer
- Search Users
- Semesters
- Series-Parallel Circuits
- Setup
- Sine Function Computation
- Single Phase Transformer
- Singly Linked List
- Software Project Management
- SQL Data types and schemas
- Subjects
- Summation of a Set of Numbers
- Super Position Theorem
- System Calls and its types in OS
- Thank You
- Thank You
- Thread Libraries
- Transaction Management
- Types in C
- User and Operating-System Interface
- What is HTML? and HTML Versions
- Wheatstone Bridge